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2019-08-19 【PHP教程】 1592人浏览
PHP 7 改变了大多数错误的报告方式。不同于传统(PHP 5)的错误报告机制,现在大多数错误被作为 Error 异常抛出。
这种 Error 异常可以像 Exception 异常一样被第一个匹配的 try / catch 块所捕获。如果没有匹配的 catch 块,则调用异常处理函数(事先通过 set_exception_handler() 注册)进行处理。如果尚未注册异常处理函数,则按照传统方式处理:被报告为一个致命错误(Fatal Error)。
Error 类并非继承自 Exception 类,所以不能用 catch (Exception $e) { … } 来捕获 Error。你可以用 catch (Error $e) { … },或者通过注册异常处理函数( set_exception_handler())来捕获 Error。
PHP 5 has an exception model similar to that of other programming languages. An exception can be thrown, and caught (“catched”) within PHP. Code may be surrounded in a try block, to facilitate the catching of potential exceptions. Each try must have at least one corresponding catch or finally block.
The thrown object must be an instance of the Exception class or a subclass of Exception. Trying to throw an object that is not will result in a PHP Fatal Error.
function inverse($x) { if (!$x) { throw new Exception('Division by zero.'); } return 1/$x; } try { echo inverse(5) . "n"; echo inverse(0) . "n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "n"; } // Continue execution echo "Hello Worldn";
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